

4 products

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4 products

4 products

Product type
Packaging for Meowijuana Cloud 9, a catnip blend. A pile of Meowijuana Cloud 9 catnip blend with annotations.
$ 9.99 USD
Catnip blend in a can labeled "Garden Pawty" with ingredients listed. Detailed view of catnip blend highlighting individual ingredients.
$ 9.99 USD
Meowi-Waui catnip product in a pill bottle-style container, labeled as a premium North American catnip bud shake. Close-up of loose Meowi-Waui catnip buds and ground catnip labeled as “North American Catnip” and “Bud Shake.”
$ 9.99 USD
Meowijuana Thyme Out catnip container featuring a blend of thyme and North American catnip for feline enjoyment. Close-up of Thyme Out blend highlighting North American catnip and thyme, showcasing their aromatic benefits.
$ 9.99 USD

Hybrid Catnip Blends