Should My Cat Have Dandelion?

At Meowijuana, we do our research when formulating our catnip blends. In answer to the question we receive quite often, “should my cat have dandelion?”, the answer is, “Yes!”

Our Whisker Tickler blend is catnip blended with – you guessed it – dandelion and chamomile.

What are the benefits of dandelion for cats?

Dandelion is ideal for liver detoxification, aids in digestion, heart health, and stabilizes blood sugar.

If you have a cat who has any of the following, a mix of dandelion into his routine can be beneficial:

  1. Is taking liver support medicine
  2. Is undergoing a heart health program
  3. Has sluggish digestion
  4. Suffers from constipation
  5. Has difficulty maintaining normal blood sugar levels

What exactly is dandelion root?

Chances are, if you have a yard, you have seen this bright yellow flower (aka weed) in your yard. You may find it an annoyance, but dandelions have been used in traditional medicine since the 7th century. The plant has useful leaves and roots even though the benefits from each are different.

Dandelion root’s benefits include:

  1. Aiding in digestion. Dandelion root helps metabolize toxins in the body and move them through the liver and out of the body.
  2. Liver support. A healthy liver goes a long way in helping your cat live a longer, healthier life.
  3. Maintaining level blood sugar. Dandelion root is glycerin-based and is safe for cats.
  4. Aiding in immune support.

Catnip can be given every other day to cats, but after a few minutes, its effectiveness wears off and your cat will need to be away from the catnip for a while in order to experience a reaction again. Catnip may not be well received by cats who are under one-year-old.

Shake some Whisker Tickler on your cat’s favorite climbing tree or scratching post and know you’re helping them live happier, healthier lives!

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